
Hello, I Am Jesse Lynch. When somebody asks me what “I do,” it never ceases to give me pause. The truth is, I do a lot. Maybe too much. I’m a musician (look up Alistair Hennessey if you aren’t familiar), Photographer, Videographer, Podcaster, Audio Engineer, Set Builder, Real Estate… uh, do-er. But if I’m being honest with myself, that’s how I like it. Ebbing and flowing; a rambling, emotional wanderlust with a whisper of daunting uncertainty. My mother instilled an unbreakable work ethic in me and my father nurtured curiosity and ultimately creativity. Born in 1986, I bought a set of turntables at 15 years old, after saving up over a thousand dollars while working as a dishwasher, making $4.90/hour (I’m still not sure how I managed that). I’ve LIVED music ever since, from turntables, to guitar, then bass, back to guitar, then vocals, even dabbled in piano and programming.

The pursuit of a music career might be the most humbling and highly educational avenue a person can take. Especially if their ambition is met with grit and a willingness to learn. From crafting e-mails to book shows, scheduling tours and wrangling 6 or 7 people, changing tires on a van, buying a trailer (hell, even just hooking up a trailer) re-wiring trailer lights, figuring out what to do when your trailer completely detaches from the tow vehicle on the highway—more on this another day, perhaps) paying rent at a rehearsal space, soldering cables and input jacks, designing t-shirts, album art, ordering vinyl, patches and keeping inventory, shipping that inventory, etc. It’s a crash course in life, on a shoestring budget. I bought my first DSLR camera because my band wanted to release music videos to coincide with a record release and I thought “I bet I could do it.” Turns out, I could. I wasn’t Chivo (google Emmanuel Lubezki) or anything, but it sparked a fire in me to capture the humanity within us all and so I became a student of that world as well.

All, that being said, a website is a peculiar thing for a person like myself. How do I curate a broad passion for creativity in this format, and even if I do, what’s the point? But it all makes sense in my head, so why can’t it work facing outward?

I hope you’re doing well and fighting the good fight. As long as we can create, we can get by.