A brief introduction.
Hello, I Am Jesse Lynch. When somebody asks me what “I do,” it never ceases to give me pause. The truth is, I do a lot. Maybe too much. I’m a musician (look up Alistair Hennessey if you aren’t familiar), Photographer, Videographer, Podcaster, Audio Engineer, Set Builder, Real Estate… uh, do-er. But if I’m being honest with myself, that’s how I like it. Ebbing and flowing; a rambling, emotional wanderlust with a whisper of daunting uncertainty. My mother instilled an unbreakable work ethic in me and my father nurtured curiosity and ultimately creativity. Born in 1986, I bought a set of turntables at 15 years old, after saving up over a thousand dollars while working as a dishwasher, making $4.90/hour (I’m still not sure how I managed that). I’ve LIVED music ever since, from turntables, to guitar, then bass, back to guitar, then vocals, even dabbled in piano and programming.
The pursuit of a music career might be the most humbling and highly educational avenue a person can take. Especially if their ambition is met with grit and a willingness to learn. From crafting e-mails to book shows, scheduling tours and wrangling 6 or 7 people, changing tires on a van, buying a trailer (hell, even just hooking up a trailer) re-wiring trailer lights, figuring out what to do when your trailer completely detaches from the tow vehicle on the highway—more on this another day, perhaps) paying rent at a rehearsal space, soldering cables and input jacks, designing t-shirts, album art, ordering vinyl, patches and keeping inventory, shipping that inventory, etc. It’s a crash course in life, on a shoestring budget. I bought my first DSLR camera because my band wanted to release music videos to coincide with a record release and I thought “I bet I could do it.” Turns out, I could. I wasn’t Chivo (google Emmanuel Lubezki) or anything, but it sparked a fire in me to capture the humanity within us all and so I became a student of that world as well.
All, that being said, a website is a peculiar thing for a person like myself. How do I curate a broad passion for creativity in this format, and even if I do, what’s the point? But it all makes sense in my head, so why can’t it work facing outward? Maybe this internal dialogue is the glue that holds it all together? That’s the plan for now.
I’d love to know if this is something that interests you at all. Comment below, DM me on Instagram, or message me via the contact page on this website I have so much stuff coming up! My band has been working our butts off on new content, and some new things will be out soon. New videos, photoshoots and podcasts will all be coming up, and I intend on using this as a home base for all of those things.
I hope you’re doing well and fighting the good fight. As long as we can create, we can get by.
I’d love an introduction on other platforms as well!
IG: IAmJesseLynch
Youtube: https://bit.ly/2TkCpOg
Please do me a favor and follow my band!
IG: @Alistair Hennessey
Website: AlistairHennessey.com